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Many residents separate their waste properly. The advantage is that you end up with less residual waste. This is good for the environment and your wallet, because you have to pay for residual waste. So the more residual waste you have, the higher your bill. We can help to reduce the residual waste in your household. We have a convenient solution for that.
Vegetable, fruit, garden waste and food leftovers are allowed in a green GFT+E container. This greatly reduces the kilos of residual waste in your household. To lend a helping hand, we offer the possibility to have a free kitchen (waste) bucket for this GFT+E waste delivered to your home.
Scan this QR code with your phone. Fill in your details on the form. (!) This is possible until October 25, 2021.
In the following weeks, the bucket (see photo) and a roll of bags will be delivered to your home.
You then empty the waste in the bucket into the special container.
Disposing of this waste is also free.
Help with waste separation
To help with separating waste, two handy storage folders have also been sent in this envelope.
More information about waste separation can be found at or On this last website we created a search engine “What belongs in which waste bin?”
You can quickly ask a question by sending an email to our Service Line: [email protected].
You can also call on working days from 8.00-16.30 (0165 – 597 777).
We hope you enjoy using the compost bucket!
Yours sincerely,
Pascal de Klerk, Director Saver
! This free offer is valid throughout October, until supplies last. ! Your data is only known within Saver, will be treated confidentially and will be destroyed after the promotion.